- Real-time Display MCU (R5): 实时显示控制器 RTD
- 负责控制将Camera的图像经过各种处理,通过Display Heads送显
- RTD可以直接访问MMU。
- RTD可以将通过控制网口,将数据从网络发送出去
- Real-time Camera MCU (R5): 实时Camera控制器 RTC
- 负责Sensor原始图像进来后某些后处理(比如3A算法)
- 不直接访问MMU
- Sensor Processing MCU (R5): 媒体处理控制器 SPE
- 负责sensor的配置
- 位于Always On区域(Sensor Processing Engine. See the Always-On Cluster chapter.), 进入低功耗模式后可能不下电。
- AO区负责:
Always-On Cluster Power Management Module. Power management module implements/manages the Cortex-R5 power state transitions. AOPM manages power state transitions for the SPE CortexR5 and its subsystem.
- Camera ISP: 图像处理ISP
但TRM中,简写表中引出一个新的加速引擎简写:SCE(Safety Cluster Engine)
AVIC: Arm PL192 Vectored Interrupt Controller. Used as the Cortex-R5 interrupt controller for all the Cortex-R5 processors (SPE, SCE, and BPMP).
SCE:Safety Cluster Engine. See the corresponding chapter.
接下来,是DCE(Display Control Engine),RTC(Realtime Camera Engine)。至此四个Engine全部出现。分别如下:
Acr. | 全称 | 作用 |
SPE | Sensor Processing Engine | 配置Camera,位于AO区,又叫AON Cluster可以在SC7状态下被外部HDMI屏幕中断唤醒(通过触摸)或者(AODMIC语音唤醒)。见AODMIC架构图。拥有8个独立DMA通道。 |
SCE | Safety Cluster Engine | 8个独立DMA通道,见 SCE内部架构图 |
DCE | Display Control Engine | 8个独立DMA通道,The DCE is a duplicate instance of the Safety Cluster Engine (SCE) module; internally both SCE and DCE are the same, however, some I/O connections are different. |
RCE | Real-time Camera-control Engine | 8个独立DMA通道,The RCE is a duplicate instance of the Safety Cluster Engine (SCE) module; internally both SCE and RCE are the same, however, some I/O connections are different. |